Creating Your First Search Form

This is a really simple step by step to create a very basic search form.

We will likely ask you to setup this Search Form if you contact support for help – its a great way to start, and an easy way to verify everything is running correctly.

Add a New Search Form

Head to the Search & Filter menu in your WordPress dashboard:

Set Post Type to “Posts”

Add a Search Field  & Submit Button

Drag the two fields in to the Search Form UI – leave the settings for these fields alone for now.

Display Results using Shortcode

Create a Page for your Results

Head to pages and create a regular page which we will use for displaying your search results.

Copy the Shortcodes

Copy both shortcodes found in the Shortcodes metabox

And paste directly into the body content of your page:


Update your Results URL

Head to the page edit screen of the page your created above, and hit “View Page”

Copy the URL from the browser into the Results URL options in the Display Results tab.

Add some Posts 🙂

Then that’s it, add some posts if you don’t have any already and go ahead and view the page you created!