
Get it here

WooCommerce integration comes as standard and there is very little setup required to get up and running but there are a few things to note:

Filtering the WooCommerce Shop

  1. First, set the Post Type to Products – you must only select this WooCommerce post type to get proper integration with the WooCommerce shop page (unless you want to search Variations, then see below).
  2. Next, under the Display Results tab set the Display Results Method to WooCommerce Shop.

Search & Filter will now be usable on the shop page, just be sure to add the widget to the shop page.

Filtering the WooCommerce Products Shortcode

  1. First, set the Post Type to Products
  2. Next, under the Display Results tab set the Display Results Method to Custom.
  3. Enter the URL where the Products shortcode can be found in the Results URL input
  4. Update your products shortcode by adding search_filter_id attribute – eg: [products] becomes [products search_filter_id='123456']
  5. If you want to add pagination, this comes with WC as standard, just add the argument: paginate='true'


Attributes are actually Taxonomies – so simply add a Taxonomy field to your Search Form to add WooCommerce attributes as fields.

Tags & Categories

Just like Attributes, WooCommerce tags and categories are actually just custom taxonomies, so use a Taxonomy field in your forms to add these – they are usually listed as Product Tag and Product Category.

Product Variations

Search & Filter can search across Product Variations, just be sure to add the Variations post type as well as the Products under the General tab.